An administrative error that led to chewing gum being removed from the surface of Helensburgh’s Colquhoun Square has thrown a potential sponsorship of the public area into doubt.
Upon reading online comments regarding the problem, an unnamed Argyll and Bute clerk proactively instructed a cleanup crew to blast the granite-tiled square with high-pressure water hoses in an attempt to remove the sun-baked gum deposits. However, unknown to the clerk, the town centrepiece had been on Wrigley’s shortlist of venues to be used in future promotional efforts.
A Wrigley’s spokesperson told the Helensburgh Adviser that they were disappointed the town had inadvertently removed itself from contention for their 2018 “Stickiest Centre of the Summer” honours.
It’s great shame that a potentially winning venue, that has enjoyed perfect weather conditions for every chance of success, has come unstuck.
Helensburgh’s woe, however, has had led to joy for residents of Dumfries, who found that their similarly granite-paved town centre has now moved into contention for the prestigious award.